Parenting and Working - The Pause that Refreshes?
Natasha Stone Natasha Stone

Parenting and Working - The Pause that Refreshes?

Life satisfaction in work and parenting can be an experience where one aspect nourishes the other to make a fantastic whole.

Sometimes two opposing worlds that intersect, for example work and family, can be an amazing opportunity for those two aspects to nourish and support the other.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg during her studies at Harvard in the 1950’s, experienced a sudden life change that she was not expecting. Her husband, also on the same law program of mainly male students, began suffering a terminal form of aggressive cancer. Suddenly Ruth was juggling supervising her husband Marty’s coursework whilst he remained enrolled, caring for her husband’s illness journey, raising a young daughter, and maintaining her own studies.

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Work Parent Happy
Natasha Stone Natasha Stone

Work Parent Happy

Even though some parents of children have the support of extended family, child care infrastructure, teachers, and family members to help that parent have a fulfilling career or income earning potential, the demands or working and parenting together can feel relentless. As one of my hypnotherapy clients said “There are so overlapping many tasks my boss gives me that I never feel like I’m completing anything, and then because I’m not feeling like I’ve done a good day’s work - I can’t easily go to sleep .” This is one of the reasons insomnia is hard to beat.

Then Covid came along, and it was a time when those of us lucky enough to remain working watched many supports crumble around us, such as schooling, family visits, transport problems.

Even though we must lobby for better support and funding with these infrastructures, and overcome injustices and inequality, could it be a consideration to allow the way we think about this situation to evolve and enrich us? This reminds me of the beautiful time in hypnosis where we get to feel some space between our thoughts, to settle and see things in a new way.

The psychologist Viktor Frankl who had been through the incredible trauma of the concentration camp, wrote:

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

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How does Exercise give relief when all else is falling apart.
Natasha Stone Natasha Stone

How does Exercise give relief when all else is falling apart.

The biggest reason you may feel that you don’t exercise is lack of time. But there are ways to make time, and if you pay for a gym membership, or sporting club membership fee, you may feel more motivation to turn up. Most people find just having the friendship circle that develops with time with joining a group exercise class enough motivation to keep going.

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Sports Performance and Working with Fear
Natasha Stone Natasha Stone

Sports Performance and Working with Fear

Be willing to feel fear as a way to be more in your body where innate physical intelligence lies, which is a much better place from which to perform than your head. Become intimate with the fear and use it as a focus for drive and creativity, to propel you forward in races and sports performance.

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Deep sleep or Insomnia?
Natasha Stone Natasha Stone

Deep sleep or Insomnia?

Sleep problems are common in the adult population, affecting learning, cognition, and mental and physical wellbeing. Do you find when you cannot sleep that it is hard to concentrate the next day,

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Client Stories – Work Anxiety
Natasha Stone Natasha Stone

Client Stories – Work Anxiety

A person came to see me who runs a largish recruitment company – he was unsure and suspicious of hypnotherapy when he first came along but desperate to find out a way to stop dreading meetings at work with his team.

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